


“马屁精”,中文俗语,就是指专门给人“拍马屁”的人,比喻为获取利益而阿谀奉承者,含贬义。与英文习语brown-noser同义,表示“ One who seeks out the approval, attention, and/or support of others, especially superiors, through abject subservience, flattery, or fawning”。

而“拍马屁”可以翻译为“brown-nose”,表示“try to curry favor with someone through flattery or favors in the hopes of getting something in return”。


dì mǔ shì gōng rèn de mǎ pì jīng,tā zǒng shì kuā zàn lǎo bǎn de zhǔ yì,duì tā tí chū de rèn hé jiàn yì dōu fù hè


Tim is such an obvious brown-noser, always complimenting the boss on her ideas and saying yes to anything she suggests.

jīn nián wǒ de shù xué hěn chà,suǒ yǐ kàn lái pāi lǎo shī mǎ pì shì wǒ qǔ dé hǎo chéng jì de wéi yī xī wàng


I’m not doing well at all in math this year, so it seems like brownnosing the teacher is my only hope for a good grade!

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